Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
The Center for Precision Medicine and Functional Genomics was officially opened on April 14, 2023. Utah Tech President Biff Williams and Culmination Bio Inc CEO Lincoln Nadauld provided inaugural remarks, and students within programs in the center led tours of the center facilities for attendees. (We can add photos from this event, which are here:

Upcoming Events
Oct 10, 2024 Genomics Journal Club (GJC)
12:00 pm
SNOW 232
The Center for Precision Medicine and Functional Genomics Journal Club, or “Genomics Journal Club” (GJC) will be in SNOW 232 at 12 pm on October 10. We will be discussing the paper titled “A lethal mitonuclear incompatibility in complex I of natural hybrids” by Moran et al. (2024; Nature). doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06895-8. Come to enjoy pizza and talk about cutting-edge science!
Oct 24, 2024 Genomics Seminar Series on October 24
Students who attended the Stanford and Johns Hopkins internships program during summer 2024 with provide an overview of their research.