Utah Tech University

Student Life

Creating the greatest events on campus!

Don’t miss the FOAM DANCE, Casino Night, CHAOS, and so many other awesome events! Our events are every Wednesday at 7:30 PM – with unforgettable dances on weekends and Halloween!


UTSA Student Life Team

Holding over 30 events each year, with over 12,000 in attendance, we are YOUR place for the most memorable experience at UT.


Display image of Baylie Booth

Baylie Booth

Vice President of Service

Email: utsaservice@utahtech.edu
Office: UTSA - Gov Room

Display image of Jimena Roque Luna

Jimena Roque Luna

Administrative Assistant to Vice President of Service

Email: jimena.roque.luna@utahtech.edu
Office: UTSA - Gov Room

Display image of Sarah Wiesenberg

Sarah Wiesenberg

Health and Lifestyle Service Leader

Email: sarah.wiesenberg@utahtech.edu
Office: UTSA - Gov Room

Display image of Aidri Bailey

Aidri Bailey

Youth Support Service Leader

Email: aidri.bailey@utahtech.edu
Office: UTSA - Gov Room

Display image of Brooklyn Field

Brooklyn Field

Alternative Breaks Coordinator

Email: brooklyn.field@utahtech.edu
Office: UTSA - Gov Room

Frequently Asked Questions

What big events are happening this year?

Of course the famous FOAM DANCE to kick off the start of the year (save the date for Aug. 23)

Also we’ve got Live & Local (concert series), Lantern Fest, a fun run, CASINO NIGHT, and so much more! Follow @utahtechstudents on TikTok and Instagram for all the updates!

Can I help/volunteer at events?

Absolutely! We couldn’t do this without our incredible volunteers and all their help. The best way to help is to join Code Red, our internal volunteer hub, and the team will get you connected to opportunities. Also, feel free to stop by at any our offices in the Gardner and we will get you all squared away.

Join Code Red

What is the cost to attend events?

All of our Wednesday night events are FREE to attend! Some of  our large scale events like dances or the Benson Boone concert coming with a low entry fee to help us cover costs (usually $10-$25).

How do I get involved with the Student Life Team?

We’d love to have you as one of our Code Red members! This is a great way to get your feet wet with event planning and work to become one of our student event planners (plus it comes with an awesome scholarship).

Join Code Red

What if big dances aren't my thing?

We totally get it, dances always have thousands of people! We also hold events on Wednesday nights – like paint nights. These are great for small groups. If something a little smaller, we recommend joining one of our over 70 clubs on campus.

Find a Club