Exempt Review Application Expedited or Full Review Application
Select and then submit any of the forms below, based on what you need for your proposal. You can scan and email or drop them off physically. Other than these signature pages, a proposal can be completed from your computer and submitted without a need to print anything.
Other Required Documents
- CITI Training PDF for all researchers
- finalized and approved (by the advisor or the department) research proposal (4 ~ 10 pages)
- finalized and approved (by the advisor or the department) questionnaire or interview questions if survey/interview is used
- any IRB submission or approval other than DSU IRB if available
- any proof of permission from the place where the research is conducted
- any posters, flyers, photos, ..., etc will be used for the research if available
More Forms
Frequently Asked Questions
Use the Survey Request form if your research is a survey/questionnaire/interview/observation type, and there is no name or ID required, and no minors are involved. Otherwise, please use the Human Subjects Request form.
Should I get Informed Consent or Participant Consent?
The major difference between Informed Consent and Participant Consent is the signature. Informed Consent DOES NOT require research subjects to sign in order to participate in the research.
However, Participant Consent requires research subjects to sign in order to participate. If your research involves clinical trials, experiments, and/or pre/post-tests, use a Participant Consent form with a signature because this type of research usually needs to track subjects for research records/results. If there are minors involved in the research regardless of type, Participant Consent with a signature is required for their parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) to sign before children can do the research.
Can I Use Both Consent Forms?
You may use both Informed Consent and Participant Consent; however, it is not necessary. We do not recommend doing both unless you have a very good reason. For the protection of human subjects, unless a signature is required to deal with risk (as the risk with participation goes up the need for signed consent goes up), a simple Informed Consent will usually be sufficient.
Can I write my own consent form(s)?
You are welcome to construct your own consent form(s) to suite your own needs as long as you follow the general requirements set forth by the federal government. Please check with Code of Federal Regulations Title 45 Part 46 Section 116 (i.e., 45CFR46.116) for writing your own consent form/letter.
Do I still need to submit DSU IRB's Consent form if I write my own?
There is no need to submit DSU IRB's Informed Consent or Participant Consent form if you write your own consent form or letter. However, it is your responsibility to address all of the elements presented in the template. We encourage you to modify the template as it fits your needs rather than start from scratch.