What is CTC?
Communities That Care or CTC is an evidence-based model for coalition building that provides the structure to organize organizations, individuals and resources in a community to work together to identify and address risk and preventative factors. These factors are underlying causes of poor health and wellness. The model also provides tested and proven tools and interventions to address those factors and to increase healthy behaviors and quality of life for those served by the coalition. At Utah Tech University, our coalition is called the Healthy Trailblazers Coalition.
The Healthy Trailblazers Coalition utilizes the Social Development Strategy, which is an evidence-based framework to create real change. The strategy involves creating a space to get people involved, opportunities to develop skills, and ensuring recognition for efforts, participation and achievement. Recognition creates bonding in a community which then provides the internal motivation to follow clear standards for healthy behaviors. By following this model, our Healthy Trailblazers Coalition is able to effect real change in the lives of the students we serve that will last well beyond their time on campus.

Communities That Care also provides a framework for how to structure student efforts and key members of the community to maximize efforts. The Healthy Trailblazers Coalition is overseen by a Key Leader Board consisting of faculty and staff from across campus whose roles and interests involve seeking to improve health and wellness to enhance the college experience for Utah Tech Students. We also have a coalition leadership team consisting of five current UT students. This team is structured similarly to the standard club leadership model with a Student Prevention Leader (President), Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Social Media Coordinator. These 5 students work as intermediates between the Key Leader Board and the student coalition to coordinate efforts.
Our actual coalition consists of students from all areas of campus who are interested in leading change and enhancing the lives of their fellow students. All students interested are welcome to join and participate in the coalition. Students in the coalition are assigned to specific work groups based on their interests and skills. These workgroups focus on certain areas of the coalition’s overall activities such as recruitment and retention. Activities and education, social media and PR and data collection/assessment. Coalition participation is the first step to getting involved as a coalition leader in the future.

Our Healthy Trailblazers Coalition is meant to be a place where students from across campus come together to make a real difference in the lives of all students who call Utah Tech home. Faculty, Staff, and Administration across campus are dedicated to serving the needs of the students, but it’s not always easy for each of these groups to clearly understand what students are feeling and thinking. The coalition helps provide a voice for the students, and enhances our university’s ability to create a safe, fun, and nurturing environment that best serves YOU! The coalition also empowers students with the tools, support, and training needed to be active participants in that effort. We also provide some great opportunities for experience that will benefit students as they move into their careers and lives after you time at Utah Tech ends.
If you are interested in learning more about the Healthy Trailblazers Coalition and the CTC model, please reach out to our student leadership team and staff. Our information is available under the Contact Me page.