Securing WP Updates
Step 1
- Navigate to the page you want to back up
- Click “Edit Page” in the top WordPress menu

Step 2
- Click the options menu in the top right corner
- Select “Code Editor“

Step 3
Select all text in the code editor box and copy (ctrl+c / cmd+c) it to your clipboard

Step 4
Open a word processor (e.g., Notepad, Text Edit, Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc.)

Step 5
Paste (ctrl+v / cmd+v) in your copied content and save the file to your local computer

Step 6
Post Your Page Backup
- Create a new page
- Click the options menu in the top right
- Click “Code editor“

Step 7
- Copy (ctrl+c / cmd+c) the code from your saved file
- Paste (ctrl+v / cmd+v) the code in to the code editor
- Save and publish the page

Step 8
Preview your new page and give yourself a pat on the back, you did it