Review Process

Next Proposal Due Date:

IRB Review Outline

Step 1: Read the Information and Research Guidelines

Determine if your project falls under the purview of the IRB. You do not need to submit an application if your activity is not considered research or does not involve human subjects (as defined by the regulations). If your research involves human subjects AND meets the precise requirements for one or more of the categories that would allow the project to be exempt from a full review you must still submit your project. In this case, you submit the Exempt paperwork. Exempt means your project does not require a full review -- note that your project is exempt from submission to the IRB.

Read the Guidelines

Step 2: Complete the Necessary forms

All forms are in Word format. They can be downloaded and typed. If you must write, please print clearly and nicely so we can read. Research applicants, especially student researchers, are fully responsible for their proof-read proposals to the IRB Committee. Determine what forms your project needs. If your project needs a full IRB review, it is a good idea to also include the Survey/Interview/Observation Request form and the Survey/Interview questions with your proposal.

Download the Forms

Step 3: Submit forms with your proposal to the DSU IRB office

Send ALL of your completed forms and supporting documents via email.

Tiffany Petersen

IRB Chairperson
Phone: 435-879-4806

IRB Contact Details

Dixie State University IRB
225 S 700 E, St. George, UT 84770 or

Contact Committee

FULL IRB Review Procedure

These policies apply to all projects involving Faculty, Staff, and Students affiliated with Dixie State University.

1. Department Level

All research should be reviewed and approved by the department or the advisor. Officials of the institution can approve or disapprove a research which has already been approved by the IRB. However, those officials CANNOT approve a research which has not been approved by the IRB (see 45CFR46.112).

2. Institutional Review Board

Once the IRB has your information the type of review you have specified will be considered, and if appropriate, will be followed. If the IRB determines that a greater level of review is needed you will be notified of this decision. Though many studies are qualified for an exemption, DSU IRB retains the right to sanction any research that may pose more than minimal risks to human subjects, deteriorate DSU's image or reputation, lack its merits, and involve sensitive topics and/or minors.

3. Following Review

Either the researcher(s) or the PI(s) will need to respond to any questions and/or suggestions made by the IRB committee. The committee will then determine whether to approve, conditionally approve, deny, or terminate the research.

FULL IRB Review Time Frame

Last minute submissions, missing or unfinished forms, and other incomplete proposals may seriously delay the reviewing process. You are welcome to submit your IRB forms at any time.  However, please keep in mind that the following due dates apply.

Full Committee Reviews

August - April. The IRB only conducts full reviews during the academic year. The last date to have a project reviewed under a full committee review is April 7. Full committee reviews resume on August 7.

Proposal Due Dates

The 7th of each month. Please try not to submit your project at the very last minute at the end of the term. Last minute submissions actually cause a significant delay in review due to sudden workload increase at the Academics office.

Exempt Project Review Feedback

Approx. 2-3 weeks. If the research is non-exempt, it takes up to four weeks or more for review, two weeks for review preparation + one week for Q&A, and then an IRB committee review.